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I am a 50+ year T1 Diabetic and would like to share, teach and discuss anything concerning T1 Diabetes. Please do not hassle me trolls, I deal with enough pricks.

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Empowering and Educating Individuals Living with Type 1 Diabetes. Discover a comprehensive online resource dedicated to supporting those with Type 1 Diabetes. Explore expert articles, practical tips, and community-driven discussions to enhance your understanding of managing T1D. From dietary advice and blood glucose monitoring techniques to the latest advancements in treatment options, T1Diabetics.com equips you with the knowledge and tools to lead a healthier and fulfilling life with Type 1 Diabetes.”

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If you are looking for free resources related to Type 1 diabetes, here are a few options:

American Diabetes Association (ADA): The ADA offers various resources for people with Type 1 diabetes, including educational materials, brochures, and guides. You can access their website at diabetes.org to find information on managing diabetes, nutrition, exercise, and more.

JDRF (formerly Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation): JDRF is a leading organization dedicated to funding research and supporting individuals with Type 1 diabetes. They provide a range of resources, including educational materials, advocacy tools, and community support. Visit their website at jdrf.org for more information.

Beyond Type 1: Beyond Type 1 is a nonprofit organization that aims to improve the lives of those living with Type 1 diabetes through education, advocacy, and support. They offer resources such as articles, guides, and online communities. Their website, beyondtype1.org, provides access to these resources.

Diabetes Online Communities: Joining online communities and forums can provide valuable support and information for people with Type 1 diabetes. Platforms like the one you are currently visiting T1Diabetics.com, TuDiabetes (tudiabetes.org) and Diabetes Daily (diabetesdaily.com) offer free resources, discussions, and a chance to connect with others managing Type 1 diabetes.

Local Support Groups: Check if there are local support groups or organizations in your area that specifically cater to individuals with Type 1 diabetes. These groups often offer free educational sessions, support meetings, and resources to help you manage the condition.

Remember to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and guidance on managing Type 1 diabetes.

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  • Chicken Fricassee
    by kaitiscotland on October 14, 2024 at 5:52 pm

    Adapted from recipe in New York Times by Craig Claiborne and Pierre Franey July 2 2024 This dish is traditionally served with rice. Feel free to use any low starch vegetable combination. I have de-carbed the original recipe so that the flour has been omitted. Total time about and hour and 30 minutes. For 4-6… Continue reading Chicken Fricassee →

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  • Difficult pregnancies can foretell lower maternal life expectancy
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    Adapted from BMJ 27 April 2024 A national Swedish cohort study of more than two million women has found that women who have experienced difficult pregnancies can be at higher risk of early death up to 46 years later. Preterm delivery, small for gestational age, pre-eclampsia, hypertension and gestational diabetes, all were associated with increased… Continue reading Difficult pregnancies can foretell lower maternal life expectancy →